I arrived at Utano dorm in the afternoon since the train services were delayed, and in fear that I would have to stay another night somewhere else, the university recommended I take the shinkansen from Shin Kobe to Kyoto station. It wasn't actually as expensive as I thought it would be, around 2000 yen. Oh and it's only 30 minutes to Kyoto station from Shin Kobe, what I did find surprising was that there were so many people taking the Shinakansen!!! It was so packed that I had to stand with my suitcases.
From Kyoto station I took the taxi to the dorm which was 3000 yen, I know people go on about the taxi being expensive in Japan, but I don't think it's that bad...I took the taxi since the dorm is in the middle of nowhere. And when I say the middle of nowhere I'm not exaggerating ok? There are forests around here, when you take the bus from kyoto station, you know you're almost there when you see less lights, much narrower roads and just less people on the bus......oh and btw they announce the stops which is a plus, and the stop is utano youth hotel!!!
I really really don't like this dorm because it's so far away from everything and it's surrounded by forests...why tf did Ritsu build a dorm here?! I absolutely hate the location, it's so inconvenient and apparently from past student experiences at this dorm, THERE ARE FUCKING GIANT POISONOUS CENTIPEDES LIKE WTF? I don't even know how I'm supposed to survive the whole year here...I already bought bug spray, diffuser which does have peppermint aroma that is said to keep bugs away...although I don't how effective it will be but I really really hope it works. If I don't see any centipedes in my room for a whole year, I will never complain about my silverfish invested room in first year ever again I tell you!!!!..........
but I am thankful to the RMs and students here because everyone is nice T__T, if they weren't I would probably be crying in my room even more. If only the dorm was just placed somewhere else, preferably closer to the station or city OR THE UNIVERSITY. This is the part where I regret choosing Ritsu because my second choice was TUFs and 3 of my friends are going there. T___T Their accommodation is so much better, cheaper and on campus, also did I mention IT'S ALSO CHEAPER, LIKE ALOT CHEAPER because the bus is really expensive compared to England here :'( I really would have loved to be at Taishogun, the dorm which was my first choice because it was much closer to the university and also kyoto station!! ><
