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Life abroad🌸

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Japanese classes & textbooks

There are 7 levels for Japanese classes at Ritsumeikan University and I was put in level 5. We have a compulsory of 8 classes a week and...

Utano I-house room tour

My room is fairly empty, I don't have anything bad to say about the room except for the fact that I hate the location of this dorm and...

Utano I-house dorm

I arrived at Utano dorm in the afternoon since the train services were delayed, and in fear that I would have to stay another night...

Arrival at KIX

I flew to Japan via Paris on Air France airline, I personally hate travelling for long periods of time therefore Air France was a good...

Study Abroad in Kyoto Ritsumeikan Univeristy

Hello, I have been writing a blog on my experience so far in Japan but it was on a different website > wordpress, I might move it to here...

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