There are 7 levels for Japanese classes at Ritsumeikan University and I was put in level 5. We have a compulsory of 8 classes a week and you can take courses from the OSE track (english courses and business courses) if you selected yes in your application. Although for business courses they are held in BIC campus which is in osaka.
There are also traditional courses but there is a fee to pay such as tea ceramony, shamisen and shodo etc.
At ritsumeikan university there is a minimum of 7 classes per week that every student should take, but if you're on IJL track you don't need to worry about that! Unless you're in level 7 where you only have 3 Japanese classes a week and so you need to select more.
At first I felt like level wasn't challenging enough after looking at the textbook but it's more of語彙which is more challenging. It's not as difficult as I had expected it to be but meh if I went up a class it would mean I would be taking only 3 Japanese classes in second semester.
I have 6 Japanese teachers, there's 2 listening and speaking classes, 1 writing class and 5 comprehensive classes. 上田先生is the best and no doubt everyone's favourite teacher. He is absolutely hilarious, love thus guy. LOL a reason why I was fine with not moving and also the fact that I like my classmates.
Above are the textbooks that I'm using, but I actually haven't even touched the speaking and listening one AHAHHA oops.